100% Natural Herbal Hair Treatment, Safe, Highly Effective Treating Oily Itchy Scalp
Our scalp naturally secretes oil via the sebaceous glands and this oil protects the hair and sustains its structure. However, due to several factors, the sebum production could go into overdrive, causing excessive oil on the scalp, a condition
known as seborrheic dermatitis. Excessive oil not only causes you to feel uncomfortable and itchy and it could ultimately lead to hair loss if left untreated!
The hot weather, unhealthy diet, stress and wrong use of shampoo are factors that cause excess oil production in our scalp. Excess oil builds up on the scalp causing hair follicles to get clogged.
Example of clogged hair pore
The condition is scientifically known seborrheic dermatitis. This condition is triggered by oily scalp and an overgrowth of yeast. Bacteria and yeast can infect the hair follicles leading to the itchiness felt in your scalp!
Poor hygiene is another main culprit. Poorly kept scalp induces the production of sebum in the scalp. If hair is not washed with shampoo frequent enough, the oils on the scalp will accumulate. Oily scalp can even lead to dandruff, dandruff caused by excess oil are yellowish in colour and the flakes are larger than their counter parts caused by dry scalp.
Under a hair microscope it could look like this:
example of oil accumulation on scalp
In the short-run, no. However, in the long-run, if left untreated, it could lead to hair loss. This is why:
If you are prone to scratching your scalp, you could introduce bacterial or fungus to broken skin on the scalp. You may even damage your hair follicles from frequent scratching. Therefore, indirectly, oily scalp can lead to hair loss.
Even if you are able to resist scratching, that is not the end of the story. When hair pores are clogged for too long, the supply of nutrients to the hair will be inhibited; hairs growing out from these clogged pores are not healthy and this may lead to thinner hair and loss of hair volume.
Oily scalp is a common hair issue and it can be solved with Bee Choo Herbal Treatment. At Bee Choo, our herbal paste contains a traditional Chinese herb known as Ling Zhi which is an adaptogen with a dual-modulating function. Ling Zhi helps to modulate your scalp regardless if it is too oily or too dry, bringing your scalp back to its normal and healthy state after each treatment. Stop living with the itch, realise how great it feels to have a squeaky clean scalp!
Get rid of the itch and excess oil today. With regular treatment, your scalp will be free of itch and excess oil.
Bee Choo Origin is the largest scalp/hair loss treatment salon/clinic specialising in the treatment of hair loss. Annually Bee Choo Ladies serve thousands of happy customers with effective and proven results.
A recognised household brand since 2000, our founder Madam Cheah Bee Chew and her brand has won numerous accolades from Singapore Agencies. You may read more from two articles written by Business Times Singapore titled “Power of testimonies drives business growth” and “Sincerity before profit“.
Consistently rated as the Best Female Hair Loss Treatment Salon (or Muslimah Salon) in Singapore, our all natural, safe & highly effective herbal hair treatment gives your Dry/Damaged/Oily scalp instant rejuvenation. The natural dye contained in the treatment also covers your white hair to the roots in the process!
See how it works above in our simple 4 step treatment process:
Step 1: Apply Hair Tonic on your Scalp
Step 2: Apply Herbal Paste to your Scalp
Step 3: Steam Treatment of your Hair for 45 minutes
Step 4: Rinse Off the Herbal Paste, Scalp Massage and Conditioning of your Hair
You can also watch the video showing how our herbal treatment is done!
Bee Choo Ladies herbal hair treatment prices are based on your hair length for à la carte herbal hair treatment. Strictly no hidden charges. You may choose to make upfront payment before treatment
Trust us with your hair and scalp. Thousands do.
Best Female Hair Loss Treatment Salon Clinic in Singapore – affordable, reasonable for your budget
Try it out and reserve your first appointment now (limited seats during peak hours)!
Give yourself a total of 2:30 hours of leeway to ensure that you do not to rush the treatment process.
We want you to come to Bee Choo Ladies and enjoy the treatment process.
Our appointment system is to reduce waiting time. Do note that we may not be able to serve you immediately
Operating Hours:
Monday to Fridays – 10am to 7pm (last appointment)
Weekends & Public Holidays – 9am to 4:30pm (last appointment)
Peak Hours: 5pm to 7pm Weekdays, Weekends & Public Holidays (15-30 mins of waiting time)